Project 31, Day 17: Bathroom cabinet

I don’t know how helpful this post will be, because sometimes I wonder if mine is the only bathroom with this weirdly shaped cabinet, closet thing in it. It’s wonderful to have the space to stash stuff, but it’s tall, deep nature makes it difficult to organize and utilize. So, here’s what it looked like before:

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Apparently I didn’t take a before picture of the bottom cupboard. It was a mess, trust me. And you can’t very well see the mess that is the top shelf either. I had all my towels up there, then a few things tossed on top of the towels… horrible idea.

As usual, my process was to empty, clean and then restock. I added a wire shelf to the top shelf so I could stack the towels on top and store stuff underneath for easy access. This way, I can use the whole cabinet without turning it into a game of Jenga.

I got a couple cute bins to keep the girls’ hair stuff in- one for headbands and one for clips. This eliminated 80% of the mess in the two drawers!! I will also be adding Anna’s magnet strips for bobby pins as soon as I get an appropriately sized magnet.

I also got one of my handy-dandy dollar store bins, rolled my hand towels and washcloths up, and stood them on end in the bin. Works better than my “stuff-it-in-the-shelf” technique that would result in 4 towels falling out each time I tried to pull one out. You know… like Jenga linens. 🙂

While going through all this stuff, I realized I follow an organizational rule for most spaces that’s pretty helpful. Items smaller than my hand should be in a container- not free in a drawer, cabinet or surface.  Putting little things in a little basket in a drawer, is going to keep the items organized! There are a few exceptions- like my small drawer I have full of nail polish… because I have a lot of nail polish.

Here are the afters!


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Excuse my photo bomber. 🙂 I’m thinking of adding a Pinterest-inspired PVC pipe flat iron holder, but not today. 🙂